Battle Plan

In order to win my battle with weight I am going to follow a "Healthy Points" plan. Each day I will receive a certain number of points for doing certain healthy things.
1 pt Drinking 9 cups of water
1 pt Eating no more than 40g of sugar
1 pt No white (bleached/enriched) bread
1 pt No sweets/desserts
1 pt 6-8 hours of sleep
1 pt 5 servings of vegetables and fruit
1 pt Eating a good breakfast
1 pt No food past 8:00pm
1 pt 10,000 steps (15,000 = 1.5, etc.)
1 pt Scripture Study
1 pt Personal Prayer
1 pt Being Tidy
1 pt Stretching Out
1 pt for every 100 calories burned in a workout

Sunday is a free day. I automatically receive full points (except workout) but can earn double points if I actually maintain my healthy habits throughout the day.
At the end of every week I will add up my points and reward myself accordingly with cash for splurging on myself--clothes, mani/pedis, massage, etc.
80-84 pts $5
85-89 pts $10
90-94 pts $15
95-99 pts $20
100-104 pts $25
105-109 pts $30
110+ $35

Friday, September 7, 2012

The next hardest thing I've ever done

I realized today that this is really hard!  I mean, I knew before this was going to be tough to loose 55+ lbs in order to reach my goal of being at least one pound lighter than my husband but seriously it's becoming more.  This is easily becoming the hardest thing I have ever done!  Every day I wake up and exercise.  Everyday I eat pre-prepared food. Everyday I avoid thinking about or even looking at the extra desserts from Sunday or Mariah's "Using the potty" reward chocolate.  Everyday, I even have to avoid all white bread and mostly all bread/bad carbs.  This is hard!  I am changing my life!  So a look back at the other hardest things I've ever done--1. 2005 complete a double major B.A. in choral education and vocal performance.  To do that I had 3 semesters of 20+ credits while working full time in order to pay for school.  2. Up and move to go to grad school, leaving the comfort of home and the guy I loved cuz "nothing changes if nothing changes".  3. Shoving one year of grad school into one semester while planning a wedding cuz the guy finally figured out he loved me too.  Two anxiety attacks that semester nearly did me in. 4. Have a child and drop my own career and music dreams to be a mom.  Lots of tears there! 5. Have another child--child birth is no fun especially when your drugs don't work and you've been in labor for 4 days trying not to have the child too early! Plus having that child be in the NICU--lots of tears again.  I can honestly say that trying to loose this weight is the next "hardest thing I've ever done" cuz they just keep getting harder.  All of the above changed my life for the better.  So I know this will too and because I accomplished all those things I know I can do this too.  But how many times will I question myself like I did many times before?  How many times will doubts have to happen before I finally reach the summit and a new life?  Well, I'm going to do it, I am going to work really hard cuz if this is the "next hardest thing" then I need to do it so I can be ready for whatever is coming.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Met my goal!

I met the goal on my chart for 2.5lbs a week.  With the help of 4 lbs last week of course leaving me only a lead of 0.2lbs.  So pushing hard again this week and hopefully my body will respond.  I am actually very excited!  It is crazy how much a don't want sweets now.  They look somewhat disgusting to me.  Crazy!  I can take Hyrum to the gym child-watch now too.  Life is looking good! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

And...beside 4lbs...

I earned 101 points which is $25 dollars towards shopping!  When Shawn came home from camping with oatmeal cream pies, nutty bars and powered donuts I said "No, I want new clothes more and look gooood" over and over then went to look at my favorite clothing websites while he munched with Mariah.  So, now I have carried over from the before pregnancy time $90 for the New Year shopping trip!  Oh, and I give myself an extra $10 dollars when I meet my weight loss goal of 2.5lbs/week.  That's motivation! 

Cinnamon, why did I forget about you?

Dang, do I eat food just to get the flavor in my mouth!  I knew this was going to the a problem starting this thing back up again cuz sweet flavored things are delicious!  Well, a few weeks ago in the grocery store I just wanted something...something to taste...something to meet my craving...something to fulfill the desire for flavor!  Then I saw it, cinnamon bears.  I thought, "this might work" and it did!  What flavor!  So, the next week starting this thing up again I bought some Big Red gum and man has it worked!  I get a feeling for flavor and pop a piece of Big Red.  I could be a spokesmen for it!  I've tried the "dessert" flavored gum before and they just get runny but Big Red zaps my mouth and I have something to chew.  This last week I lost 4lbs!  Whenever I finished a meal and want something more I drank a ton of water (which I do before the meal too) and pop some Big Red.  Cinnamon, why did I forget you?  Flavorful cinnamon!  You zap my mouth with spice and sweetness all at once.  Gotta love it!

Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm back

Alright!  Back into the fray.  My goal is new year--new me.  I want to loose 45 pounds by New Years and that will put me one less pound than my husband.  I will weigh less than my husband!!!  I better!  I am keeping track of points again to earn money for a New Year's shopping trip.  Luckily with the point watching, I gained nothing with the pregnancy.  Absolutely nothing.  I am right back to where I was at this point in November.  Here I go!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


In regards to my last post...yep.  So, so, so....i guess weight loss should not be pushed but I will and am still keeping track of points.  Though I have discovered working out is a lot harder.  I am so incredibly tired and am getting winded badly.  I just won't be able to get as many points with workouts. And hopefully I will continue to carry...another reason I don't want to push the workouts...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This week is a bust...

Oh frog's legs!  This week is a bust in regards to points.  With Mariah's sleep habits and my being sick I am feeling kinda depressed health wise.  I don't know what is up with me.  I won't go into details but if, IF this is the time God finally deems me ready to be pregnant again, my will needs to do some serious bending.  I was just having progress!!!! We'll see if whatever is going on passes by next week or in nine months......

Monday, October 17, 2011

I did it!

140 points exactly!  I earned $50 to spend on myself!  I really worked out hard and burned by far more than 3500 calories.  I honestly made sure I got extra calories burned so I this last birthday weekend wouldn't be as stressful. I did eat cake and have white flour with the refreshments I bought.  But I am back on track today and have already given away a lot of the left over unhealthy party food.  Another week and just going for $35 dollar goal.  I am exhausted and sore.  I will go again for perfection again soon. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I got a compliment!

I got a compliment and not from a woman!  My very kind choir director came up to me after ward practice and asked if I was loosing weight?  He said my face was looking more defined.  I guess I am looking the part FINALLY!!  Whoo hoo!  Cloud nine when you hear it unprovoked and from a gentlemen!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

On my way!

Feeling good and starting to see a difference.  The scale at the beginning of the week did say I lost one pound so hopefully it isn't just water weight.  I am have been working-out hard as well as eating light and healthy.  I already have 64 points this week in just three days! Add the 13 free points for Sunday and it's 77--already over half-way to my perfect goal.  Staying strong and hoping the scale will reflect it on Monday morning.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Going for perfection

So this week there was a lot of bumps in the road with family flu and last minute trip to visit ailing grandpa fro the weekend.  I did however still earn 114 points.  Whoo hoo!  I worked-out hard on the days I could.  This week I am going for pefection--140 points.  Got my daughter's bday party this weekend and I will resist the cupcakes.  $50 dollars here I come!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sacrifices of Motherhood

My hubby had the flu at the beginning of the week and last night my little girl would not go to sleep til 1:00am while I started flu symptoms.  Adrenaline kicked in around 12:30a and I couldn't get to sleep until 3:00am.  Which means only 4 hours of sleep--point lost; couldn't make my morning workout, the only time I had available today--points not made; needed an energy boost so got an all fruit jamba which had 55g of sugar--point lost.  I will go for perfection next week.  Right now Mariah is finally sleeping and I am going to join her.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Motivation for Point Perfection

I have made a decision regarding my points.  If I have a perfect week--13 points a day, plus 600 calorie workout everyday but Sunday, and a all 26 points points on Sunday it comes to 140 points--a perfect week!  Just think 6 days of 600 calories means 3600 calories burned, that's a pound!  If I get at least 140 points a week than I get $50 for to spend on myself.  What do you think?  Perfection reward I am going for you!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

I earned 119 points last week!  That means $35 for me to spend on me!  No weight lost though according to the scale this morning.  I am going to push hard again this week.  I must admit that I did falter yesterday at a family get together.  My father had gourmet chocolate... but at least I didn't eat one single bite of the many doughnuts. I did however, knowing my parents didn't have good food choices, bring half my kitchen to make a healthy dinner for everyone. 

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement and support.  Shawn and I had a great discussion yesterday too about all this so I think I am going to make it.  To further help me in my goals I have also decided to reward myself with an awesome new custom dress as soon as I loose 20lbs.  That will keep me going!